When Oxygen Might be Used at a Home Birth
Did you know Midwives in Washington state carry oxygen tanks?
Have you ever wondered when during a home birth oxygen might be needed?⠀
Below I’ll give my top reasons for oxygen use:⠀
•Sometimes during the pushing stage of labor the baby’s head gets really squished and their heart rate goes down. This can especially happen during the final few contractions before birth when the baby is being squeezed the most. Giving mama some extra oxygen can give the baby a boost and bring the heart rate up.⠀
•Sometimes during pushing or even right after delivery mama can feel faint. This can be from adrenaline or from hyperventilation. Sometimes a few minutes of oxygen use can help calm mama down and center her so that she feels a little more refreshed. ⠀
•Oxygen can also be used in more emergent situations like during the resuscitation of a newborn or during transfer of the mother to a hospital setting.
Did your midwife use oxygen during your birth?